Sunday, February 26, 2012

I (Heart) Water

While waiting at the bus stop on our way to church this morning Ez spotted this awesome advertisement so we snapped a few pictures.  Below are a couple of close-ups.

Translation: Because only water really makes clean.

Translation: The toilet that cleans you with water.
(I love the action shot of the water.)

Would you believe that we're lucky enough to have this very same toilet at our flat in our little European WC.

Best. Toilet. Ever.


Sally said...

I want a toilet like that!

Emily said...

This post made me chuckle.

Nicole said...

Ha ha... me too!

Jess said...

Your toilet is nice, but the little sink in that WC is my FAVE!! :)

Michael Campbell said...

I saw much the same sign outside Brussels(although of course in Dutch). Now I see what it was referring to.

I'm in the US with a typical US toilet, but I bought one of these and absolutely love it. My family is not quite ready to make the leap.